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Bad times....

It's a bad time to work manufacturing clothes! Our high street has been hit with all sorts of allegations, deaths and sickness!

It started with Zara's use of sweat shop labour being discovered about a month ago. Which wasn't shocking - although it should be - because we unfortunately know these places exist.

It carried on with the death of a Chinese worker at an American Apparel factory when a knitting machine collasped on top of him

and now, it's H&M, according to the fash-newz this morning a wave of employees (98 the first day and then 198 the second) collapsed after a pungent smell came wafting out from a bunch of garments. The employees fainted and had to be sent home. Apparently, it's not the first time though, the factory in China has had this happen twice before. Not to mention a fire last year that killed 21 workers. It suggests that prehaps the chemical dyes on the fabrics could be to blame.

Having worked in retail for eight years, I feel bad that I so rarely think of the poor men and women who actually make these clothes. Channel Four ran an excellent documentary last year on the crisis of sweatshops and found there were actually sweatshops functioning in the UK. Not cool. The most I can urge people to do is check where your clothing actually comes from, who makes that cute pair of hotpants you have your eye on? Buy from reputable sources and be aware really. N

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