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Holiday Shopping: Dads Who Don't Want 'Stuff'

Dads, in my opinion, are hands-down the hardest people to shop for on the planet. They buy everything they need. They might be into gadgets, but many of them aren't. Let's say they like grilling; they've done it for years and they don't want your newfangled tools. Camping equipment? Who has the time! Power tools? Ugh, what are you going to make me do?

So let's just be honest: Most men probably just want a day without nagging and maybe a great burger. But nonetheless, here are some ideas...

Dad Gifts

Dads love Ken Burns' documentaries, so get him the new one on the Prohibition; get Dad a stylin new sweater he can wear for years; simplify his life with an amazing universal remote; get him a Keurig for the office; if he's a Mac guy, scoop up the new Steve Jobs bio by Walter Isaacson; help him get past the paywall with a New York Times e-subscription; a new belt might be in order to replace the tired braided version; and he's probably behind on the trends and would like to catch up with the "Game of Thrones" series for when the first season finally comes out on DVD.

How about you guys? Have you had any more success shopping for dads? Please share in the comments!

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