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Indie Producer Networking Event with NYTVF

Post Represents: Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New York Television Film Festival (NYTVF) 

Indie Producer Networking Event with NYTVF and TV.com is complete!  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PT)

Indie Producer Networking Event with NYTVF and TV.com
Clicker and TV.com offices
6824 Melrose Ave. at N. Orange Dr.
Los Angeles, CA

LA Documentary Filmmakers Group Meetup: You're invited! Join the New York Television Festival and TV.com, for a free networking event on Tuesday, March 6. Enjoy refreshments courtesy of TV.com and meet with NYTVF executives to get the inside scoop on current development opportunities for nonscripted, documentary and comedy producers including guaranteed deals from A&E, IFC, MTV, VH1 and more!  This is a free event.

Network Network Network

New York Television Film Festival presentation begins 

Focusing on the opportunity. 

This is cool. 

Share the opportunity. 

Representatives from VH1 speaks

Meeting folks...

William Sturtevant & Motown Maurice 
William Related:
Cast Reach Presents Entertainment Industry Party in LA

Final Thoughts

The shift continues...At this event is where the firestorm from yesterday spread to. I was indirectly introduced to a website called Meetup.com by William. He forwarded me another event and I was exposed to the site in which it came from. During that exploration of Meetup.com I found out about this mixer, attended and it was divine for me to be there. Upon arriving, we were greeted by the organizers that told us there will be a presentation with an opportunity to compete in a television pilot contest. The existing contest provides the opportunity for independent film makers to possibly have their show ideas get picked up by one of four networks. Two of which are MTV and VH1. This was my last key confirmation in knowing that "Now is the Time." Its time to start rebuilding my team again. William was the first on board among another person less than two days later.

Related Post: 
Cast Reach Presents Entertainment Industry Party in LA

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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